Love is a need that all humans share. While not a life-sustaining necessity like water or food, love is needed for a person's overall emotional health, and nearly everyone has experienced the stomach-fluttering anxiety that goes with falling for someone. Learning whether a woman you have feelings for is "the one" for you takes time as you assess not only the woman herself but your dynamic as a couple.
She Makes You Laugh
- Humor is a vital part in any friendship or romantic relationship. If the two of you can enjoy each other's company and make each other laugh under otherwise ordinary circumstances, it is a good sign that you're right for each other. The University of Western Ontario reported a study indicating that positive humor helps nurture an enjoyable relationship for both parties. However, negative or demeaning humor leads to dissatisfaction, so joking or sarcasm at the expense of the other person can be counterproductive over time.
You Share Similar Goals
- Love itself is not enough to keep a relationship going. It is important that you share similar life goals. If you don't want children and your girlfriend does, this could be a serious barrier in continuing your relationship. Sharing goals regarding finances, living conditions and family plans helps stabilize your relationship and remove possible sources of conflict. If you haven't talked to your girlfriend about her thoughts on children, housing, career goals and overall plans, you should before you decide for sure whether she is right for you.
You Share a Friendship
- At the beginning of a relationship, lust is sometimes confused with love. Attraction, no matter how passionate, fades over time as you become more familiar with each other, and the original mystique dissipates. However, sharing a friendship and genuinely enjoying each other's company outside of the bedroom are indicators that your feelings for your girlfriend are genuine and that there is potential for a long-term commitment. The more you enjoy her company, the more likely she's right for you.
You Can't Picture Life Without Her
- Imagine what your life would be like if your girlfriend were no longer a part of it. While any major lifestyle change is disconcerting, some changes are easier to adjust to than others. If the idea of losing the woman in your life does not disturb you much, and you feel you'd continue on without difficulty, you may need to reconsider the relationship. On the other hand, if the thought of losing her devastates you, and she is one of your highest priorities, she could be the one you want to spend the rest of your life with.
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