There may come a time in your life when love knocks into your heart and overpowers you with very strong feelings of affection and desire for another person. But what happens if, no matter how strong your love is, that person decides to leave and the one you feel strongly for is not meant to be with you? It's tough, but it is possible to let go of someone you really love and recover from the hurt. Be proactive to objectively evaluate a situation and learn how to deal after a painful breakup.
- Do not resist the pain. When you are heartbroken, the first thing you may want to do is run away from the pain and suppress it with self-destructive habits such as drinking alcohol, using drugs, etc. to numb yourself. These do not really help. The only thing it does is keep the feelings buried inside of you, which will hurt you more in the long run. Address the situation by welcoming the hurt feelings as part of being human. It is hard to do this step especially when you feel so vulnerable, but it is an important step in healing yourself. The pain eventually will leave and you will be free.
- Swallow the truth. Constantly denying the fact that the person you love will stay just by your own sheer desire is blind thinking. The old saying, "The truth will set you free" will always hold true. Make peace with yourself by acknowledging that the person you love cannot love you back and that is a truth you need to accept.
- Make a firm decision to move on. To let go of someone you really love, you must take the first step to healing. No other person can do that for you. If you really want to get over your lost love, stop yourself from dwelling in the past. Live in the present the best way you can and see yourself having a better future with someone who is really meant for you.
- Get rid of the things that remind you of the other person. These include all the gifts, letters, pictures, etc. that you received from him or her. The more detached you are with the things that have something to do with the other person, the faster it is for you to let go.
- Forgive the other person and forgive yourself. In life, we take risks, including in the area of love. If you find yourself loving someone who cannot love you back, don't punish yourself by holding on to the misery forever. Refrain from blaming and be forgiving. It's not your fault that the love relationship didn't work out. Sometimes things just don't happen the way you want them to be. You still have better things in store for you.
- Give yourself time to heal. Depending on the depth of your feelings and your attachment, it could take months or even years. Once you have the desire to really move on, you will achieve that goal. Be patient and see the results in time.
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