Introducing your boyfriend to your parents can be a nerve-wracking event! The fact that you are thinking of planning the get-together means the relationship may be taking a serious turn. Giving the meeting some thought ahead of time can increase your chances of a smooth introduction between your guy and your folks.
- Picking the right location isn't important just in real estate. Choosing a neutral spot for the meeting between your boyfriend and your parents is essential. Some options include a restaurant, a nearby park with a seating area, a coffee shop or even a museum. As long as the location has a place to sit and chat, it will work. The key to the neutral location is that neither party feels like they have an advantage; you are meeting as equals. If you meet at your place or your parents' home, there is the additional pressure of needing to have a clean home and be a gracious host or hostess.
Prepare Both Parties Beforehand
- Before the meeting between your boyfriend and your parents, fill both sets of people in on particulars. Talk to your boyfriend about your parents. Give him a brief history of their lives and what they've been through. If there are any topics he should steer clear of, fill him in and explain why he shouldn't mention it. Also talk to your parents about your boyfriend. Give them an overview of his life and who he is. Tell them what he means to you. For both groups, if there are any quirks that need to be mentioned before the meeting, get those out in the open.
Points for Discussion
- Instead of merely hoping the meeting with your boyfriend and your parents goes well, plan a list of topics to discuss in case there are awkward lulls in the conversation. You can make the list on a note card or a piece of paper to slip in your pocket or commit the topics to memory. Suggestions include hobbies that your boyfriend or parents have, current events, schooling (if applicable), jobs each of you have, favorite things to do in the city where you live and favorite local restaurants. Steer clear of politics, religion, sex and other controversial subjects at this first meeting.
Have a Plan B
- While everyone involved will hope that the meeting goes smoothly, sometimes things can take a turn for the worse. Arrange a signal ahead of time with your boyfriend so he can indicate if he is ready to call an end to the get-together. Respect that he has had enough and finish the conversation and say good-bye to your folks. If you get the sense your parents are itching to be anywhere else than where they are, wrap it up. It's a positive step to have this initial meeting over with; you can always arrange for get-together number two at a later date.
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